Index by Topic
Street:  Duke of Gloucester
Construct. Period:  1725-1749
Frame Material:  Brick
Roof:  Hipped
Dormer Style:  None
Approx. Date:  1748
History:  The present structure was established around 1748, resulting from alterations to an earlier building. Philip Lightfoot owned the house in 1783.
Structure:  This is a two-story, two-room deep house with a central hallway and a staircase compartment at the back and to the left of the hallway. The front rooms are larger than the back rooms, and the left back room is smaller than the right back room due to the stairway comparment.
Chimneys:  The house has two interior chimneys on the sides of the house set between the front and rear room on each side, resulting in corner fireplaces arranged diagonally in each room.